Kale Casey is a skijor racer and wildland firefighter who serves as co-captain for Team USA. He earned degrees in both Classics and History at Stanford University and has lived in the stunningly beautiful mountains of Western Colorado for the past 19 years.
He was the only North American athlete to compete in all five nordic events at the 2013 International Federation of Sleddog Sports Winter World Championship in North Pole, Alaska. He was Team USA co-captain and raced at the 2015 IFSS World Championship in Bernau, Germany.
Kale has won multiple races in North America and it is his mission to promote dog-powered sports both locally and around the world. One of his deeper passions is to inspire and help train the next generation of dog lovers. Making DP1 has been the culmination of a nearly decade long dream.
Kale believes that the misunderstandings he had about dog-powered sports are shared word-wide, and that it’s time to educate the world about the modern breeds and racing styles that continue to grow in popularity all around the world. DP1 is his answer to the question he still gets after telling folks that he loves racing one and two dogs in skijor, canicross, scooter and bikejroing: “So, do you race in the Iditarod?”